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§1. Power leveling

Power leveling and using more than one character:

  • a) It is not allowed to have several characters registered by the same player with the purpose of improving the wealth of one of these characters.

Clarification: If you have few characters - you are not allowed have any (balanced or imbalanced) trades between characters,because it will be considered as power leveling. Also if you have trades with characters which not your multies, but sum of total imbalance between you and this characters exceed threshold - it also can be considered as power leveling and you will be asked to balance your trades in short period.

  • b) Registration of a second character

Clarification: It's allowed to have few characters on both sides,but it's not allowed to interact in gameplay of one character via your other character ( no trades between multies and mains,no participation in same fights and etc.)

  • c) Creating/using a character to circumvent a ban of another character

​Clarification: If one of characters connected to your computer has been jailed - you are not allowed to create any new or use already existing account untill main issue will be solved and main curse will be removed,otherwise any connected to your computer account will be jailed with Curse of Captivity (even if you use another computer at this moment).

  • d) Using a game character to circumvent game limitations

​​Clarification: If you have characters on both sides you are allowed to play them both,but if you play on one of sides and use your multie account on other side to spy players in locations,or to have chat with players of oposite race - it's not allowed. The only allowed way to speak with players of oposite side during Invasion of Chaos event.



  1. Any illegal trades will be detected early or later,so don't think you can hide it with third party trades.
  2. Don't be rude with guard then you talking about your curse issue. Adequate dialog helps to check details faster and solve the case.
  3. Guards don't provide detail of any investigations.
Category: Punishments | Added by: MED (07.09.2016)
Views: 465 | Rating: 0.0/0